Pan-coating: Practical introduction course
Date: 09.09.
– 13.09.2024 Language: English Location: ZDS Solingen

This practical course deals with the production technology of hard, soft and chocolate panned goods. During the one-week course, the theoretical knowledge gained is put into practice in our dragee department. Content of the course This course offers a broad overview of recipes and manufacturing processes for hard, soft and chocolate coated panned goods in theory, followed by practical group work and demonstrations. During practice, participants work with conventional panning equipment composed of several, different sized rotating pans. Furthermore demonstrations are given on an automatic pan and a chocolate belt coating system. The aim is for the participants to be able to produce the most important types of panned goods independently at the end of the practical course. Theoretical and practical topics:
- Hard panned goods (chocolate lentils)
- Soft panned goods (jelly beans, etc.)
- Chocolate panned goods (hazelnuts, almonds, crisps)
- Raw materials
- Processes
- Technical parameters
- Sugar-free/sugar-reduced products
- Coloring, polishing, finishing
- Food technologists from the confectionery industry working in R&D
- Technical service and supportive personnel of the raw material and machinery industry
- Members of manufacturing companies, who need a technical introduction into this topic
- People interested in this topic who want to gain further knowledge
Monday, September 09, 2024
10:00 Welcome and Introduction ZDS e.V. Theory Introduction – Classification and composition of dragees, tasting of market products: Hard, soft and chocolate dragees ZDS e.V. Theory Pre-coating and stabilizatifon of dragee centers Norevo GmbH 13.00 Lunch Practice Pre-coating and stabilization of different centers Practice Chocolate panning of hazelnuts and almonds ZDS e.V. Final discussion 17:30 End of day 1
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
09.00 Summary of the previous day Theory Technology of chocolate panning – Raw materials, process, technical parameters ZDS e.V. Theory Automatic belt coating system René Maurice Wolf, Lothar A. Wolf Spezialmaschinen GmbH Practice Chocolate panning of different centers with belt coater and classical system ZDS e. V. Practice Flavoring and coloring of chocolate and chocolate panning of different centers ZDS e. V. 13.00 Lunch Theory Soft panning technology – Raw materials, process, technical parameters ZDS e.V.V. Practice Flavoring and coloring of chocolate and chocolate panning of different centers ZDS e.V. 13.00 Lunch Theory Soft panning technology – Raw materials, process, technical parameters ZDS e.V. Practice Soft panning of different centers ZDS e.V. Final discussion 17.30 End of day 2
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
09.00 Summary of the previous day Theory Overview of hard panning – raw materials, processes, technical parameters Sugar, glucose syrup, gum arabic, titanium dioxide alternatives, colors etc. ZDS e.V. Theory Sucrose esters in panning confectionery Lia Bax, Sisterna BV Practice Hard panning on pre-coated centers ZDS e.V. 13.00 Lunch Theory Coloring of panned goods and titanium dioxide replacer Christoph Müller, Döhler GmbH Practice Hard panning on the pre-coated center – sugar coating, whitening, and coloring ZDS e.V. Final discussion 17.30 End of day 3
Thursday, September 12, 2024
09.00 Summary of the previous day Theory Overview – Automatic coating technology Julien Mouron, Dumoulin Theory Sugarfree hard panning with Isomalt, Xylitol and Maltitol ZDS e.V. Practice Sugarfree hard panning with Isomalt, Xylitol and / or Maltitol ZDS e.V. 13.00 Lunch Theory Overview – Automatic coating technology Theory Surface pearlescent effects on panned goods, color fl akes and color spots – Raw materials and application Ralf Schweinfurth, Merck KGaA Practice Surface pearlescent effects on panned goods, color fl akes, and color spots- Raw materials and application ZDS e.V. & Ralf Schweinfurth, Merck KGaA Final discussion 17.30 End of day 4
Friday, September 13, 2024
8.30 Summary of the previous day Theory Polishing and sealing of hard, soft, and chocolate panned goods Wilfried Kukowski, Döhler GmbH Practice Finishing – surface acidifi cation, color effects Polishing and sealing of hard, soft, and chocolate panned goods ZDS e.V. 12.30 Final discussion 13.00 End of the course – optional lunch -subject to changes
3.390,00 € Services Included – Course documentation – Refreshments: snacks and drinks – Lunch at the ZDS refectory
If you have any questions about the event, please contact our project organization:
+49 (0) 212 59 61 32
Your instructor:
Guillermo Geschwindner
Dipl.-Ing. Lebensmitteltechnologie, Fachlehrer Zuckerwaren und Schokolade