Introductory internship:
Industrial fine baked goods production
Date: 02.06. – 05.06.2025
Language: German
Location: ZDS Solingen
Costs: € 3,100.00

This course provides a theoretical and practical introduction to the basics of industrial manufacturing processes for fine baked goods.
Course content
This practical course focuses on lectures on important raw materials, their extraction and properties, the kneading, shaping and baking process, as well as practical product manufacturing.
The aim of this practical course
– To teach the basics of raw materials
– To illustrate the current state of manufacturing technology
– To present and discuss new product ideas and process technologies
Who is the course aimed at?
This event is aimed in particular at employees from product development, application technology, marketing, sales and the supplier industry who would like to gain a better understanding of industrial processes. It is also aimed at employees who are new to the baked goods industry or from production, who are given the opportunity to refresh and expand their specialist knowledge during their internship.
Participation fee
3.100,00 €
- Seminar documents
- Drinks and snacks during breaks
- Lunch in the ZDS canteen
Für Fragen zur Veranstaltung steht Ihnen unsere Projekt-Organisation zur Verfügung:
Ihre Kursleiterin:
Dr. Kerstin Kunz
Fachlehrerin, Süßwaren und Dauerbackwaren