ZDS presents new logo

Modern design for a strong future

The Zentralfachschule der Deutschen Süßwarenwirtschaft e.V. (ZDS) proudly presents its new logo, which embodies a modern and fresh image.
The new design emphasizes the three pillars of the ZDS – school, seminar and member service – by highlighting them in different colors.
The colors blue for members, yellow for seminar and green for school symbolize the diversity and importance of each pillar within the organization.
With this new logo, the ZDS is taking an important step towards a contemporary and appealing visual identity.
The design reflects the values and goals of the ZDS as a training and further education partner in the confectionery industry.
The next step is to gradually adapt all ZDS advertising and communication materials to the new design to ensure a consistent brand presence.
This process will help to further strengthen the awareness and recognizability of ZDS in the industry.
The ZDS team will be happy to provide further information or answer any questions about the new logo.

Old logo

New logo