Industrial Cake Production
Datum: 25. – 28.11.2024 Sprache: Englisch Ort: ZDS Solingen

Obtaining the ‘perfect’ cake despite modern challenges in cake manufacturing! This workshop will cover the production, shelf life extension, reformulation and general improvement of chocolate cakes, sponge cakes, pound cakes, layer cakes, Swiss rolls, muffins and cupcakes. The participants will work on perfecting their cake with the help of our experts during theoretical lectures and practical units in our well equipped pilot plant.
The workshop is very hands-on and will visualize the road map of the product development solutions in respect of:
- shelf life
- ingredients
- reformulation
- vegetarian & vegan products
This workshop offers you:
- Support in the development of modern cake products
- The ability to reduce product development times
- To avoid sources of error du ring production
- Solutions for production problems
- Room for own input and discussions
- Close interaction with instructors due to small classes
Who should attend?
- Production leadership
- QA Supervisors/ Managers
- Technical Support Personnel
- Research & Development Personnel
- Employees from raw material and machinery suppliers
- Anyone involved in solving reformulation problems on an industrial production line
Monday, November 25th
9:00 Welcome and Introduction Jos Vast, Bakery Academy, and Dr. Kerstin Kunz, ZDS e.V. 9:30 General product classification and processes (proportions, methods, creaming) 10:15 Major ingredients and their functional properties (flour & starches, eggs) 11:00 Sugars – classification and their functional properties 12:00 Fats and Oils – classification and their functional properties
13:00 Lunch 14:00 Practise:
- Saftety Introduction
- Products and Processes
17:00 End of the first day
Tuesday, November 26th
09:00 Evaluation of the first day 09:30 Minor ingredients (e.g. additives, hydrocolloids, special starches & flours, enzymes, fibres) 11:00 Leavening agents 12:00 Lecithins, Emulsifiers
13:00 Lunch 14:00 Practise:
- Products and processes
- Spread tests
17:00 End of the second day
Wednesday, November 27th
09:00 Evaluation of the previous day 09:30 Shelf life (internal and external factors influencing shelf life, sensory properties of deterioration ) 11:00 Reformulation and substitution 12:00 Reformulation with sugar substitutes
13:00 Lunch 14:00 Practise: Reformulation 17:00 End of the third day
Thursday, November 28th
09:30 Evaluation of the previous day 10:00 Vegan and vegetarian 11:00 Practice
- Implementation of the previously acquired knowledge of the last 3 days
13:00 Lunch 13:45 Evaluation, Certificates 14:00 End of the course
2.950,00 €Services included
- digital course documentation
- refreshments: snacks and drinks
- lunch and dinner at the ZDS refectory
Für Fragen zur Veranstaltung steht Ihnen unsere Projekt-Organisation zur Verfügung:
Ihre Kursleiterin:
Dr. Kerstin Kunz
Fachlehrerin, Süßwaren und Dauerbackwaren