Milk Products and Vegan
Alternatives for Chocolates

Datum: 06.05. – 07.05.2025
Sprache: Englisch
Ort: Online
Kosten: 830,00 €

Milk chocolate is by far one of the most widely consumed chocolates in Europe. In addition to whole milk powder, other milk-based raw materials are also used.

In this web seminar, we will take an in-depth look at the individual raw materials, properties, flavour and quantities used.

How is the flavour influenced by the pre-treatment of milk and how can I influence the flavour of a chocolate in the conching process. We look at the different flavour trends on the different continents.

At the end we give an overview of vegan dairy-free chocolate.


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+49 (0) 212 59 61 32

Ihr Kursleiter:

Guillermo Geschwindner
Dipl.-Ing. Lebensmitteltechnologie, Fachlehrer Zuckerwaren und Schokolade