Chocolate Manufacturing: Intense Practical Course
Tailored for Industry Needs

Thank you for trusting us with your professional development.
Our participants in one of the industry’s most intensive chocolate courses developed into a well-coordinated team, continuously expanding their theoretical and practical knowledge throughout this intense program.

After three weeks, they took three exams – practical, written, and oral – to earn their Diploma in Chocolate Technology.

A peak behind the scenes:
Under the guidance of our chocolate expert Valentin Focke from ZDS e.V. and Bunge Loders Croklaan B.V., the participants made pralines, experimenting with various fillings and toppings.

The various properties of CBR, CBS and CBE greases were demonstrated in practice. Filles into molds and tasted.
The participants also discovered that not every fat needs to be tempered.

They were then able to apply their theoretical knowledge practically, demonstrating their skills and creativity. This course offered companies the opportunity to have their employees trained by our experts without burdening their own resources and ongoing operations.

A particularly exciting aspect of this course was the high internationality of the participants. They traveled from countries such as Australia, Japan, Indonesia, Turkey, Italy, Jordan, Uzbekistan, and many others to Solingen to further their education.

This diversity not only allowed participants to expand their knowledge but also to establish valuable international contacts and exchange ideas. 😊